
The Key

This will give you, possibly, a little bit of insight into what the hell we're talking about.

Beer Rating System
This sysem is taken from RateBeer.com

Aroma (A): 10 pts.
Appearance (L): 5 pts.
Taste (T): 10 pts.
Pallate (P): 5 pts.
Overall (O): 20 pts.

The "Overall" score is closely related, but not necessarily dependant, on the other score aspects.

Bear in mind, this is not an exact science. Certain catergories mean more to some than to others. This is just a kind of guide.

Our approach to wine is fairly organic. We don't have anything even remotely resembling a numeric scoring system. We tend to associate our wines with food flavors. Big surprise. If you want to know which wines we've decided we like, please check out the Wine List. Browse the wine tags to peruse some of our reactions to the various wines we've tried.

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